About Me

Skin Trouble Solutions: Caring For Problem Skin As a young child, I had a lot of skin allergies, eczema, and rashes. It made my childhood difficult. As I got older, those skin problems turned into severe acne and sensitive skin. I spent years learning about how to treat my skin to minimize the effects of these things. There are natural treatments, dietary changes, and even dermatology treatments that can help. I don't want to see others suffer the way that I did with skin problems like these, so I created this site to help teach others about the things that I've learned. I hope that the information here helps you to care for your skin and minimize your rashes and issues.



The Effects Of Perimenopause On Your Skin And What You Can Do

If you're in your late thirties, forties, or even in your fifties and just beginning menopause (perimenopause), you may have already begun experiencing some of the symptoms. These symptoms include hot flashes, anxiety, loss of sleep, weight gain, and even acne. If you've been acne free for most of your adult life and it's just beginning again, perimenopause could be to blame. The good news is that you can get that acne under control, as well as other perimenopause skin problems such as oily skin, dry skin, age spots, and wrinkles. Read on for some of these effects and what can be done.


You may be seeing acne around the mouth, chin, or forehead. The new popups of acne may be due to the increased production of oil in the skin, or it could also be due to the extra sweating you may be experiencing from those hot flashes. If you have acne, start by using a gentle facial cleanser both in the morning and at night before bed. Never sleep in makeup of any kind (even if you've done so most of your life). 

Begin eating and drinking healthier such as fresh fruits and vegetables, and drinking plenty of water. Skip the extra cups of coffee or other types of caffeinated beverages, which may be irritating your skin. Also try to avoid eating too much cheese, chocolate, and greasy foods.

Dark Spots

With your hormones all out of whack, it could be causing dark spots on your skin when out in the sun. Your acne spots may also get darker in the sun. You may also develop melasma which is dark patches on the skin. These dark patches can be reversed with specialized creams that your dermatologist can prescribe. When using these creams, you should avoid going out into the sun (or using tanning beds). 

When out in the sun, be sure to use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 50 or more. Lather the sunscreen on your face and any other exposed skin. Try to cover up as much as possible wearing hats and sunglasses to keep the sun off of your face.


You may have noticed wrinkles are becoming more and more prevalent. This is because your body is not producing as much collagen as it used to. Using a wrinkle cream or face cream that helps increase collagen production will help to prevent more lines from popping up. 

Botox injections and other types of injectables will also help fill in those wrinkles. Discuss these options with your dermatologist.

Perimenopause can have a big impact on your skin. Talk to your dermatology professional about other ways to keep your skin healthy during this time.
