About Me

Skin Trouble Solutions: Caring For Problem Skin As a young child, I had a lot of skin allergies, eczema, and rashes. It made my childhood difficult. As I got older, those skin problems turned into severe acne and sensitive skin. I spent years learning about how to treat my skin to minimize the effects of these things. There are natural treatments, dietary changes, and even dermatology treatments that can help. I don't want to see others suffer the way that I did with skin problems like these, so I created this site to help teach others about the things that I've learned. I hope that the information here helps you to care for your skin and minimize your rashes and issues.



When Should You See A Dermatologist About Your Acne?

Acne is an unfortunate facial and body issue that many people face. While most people associate acne and pimples with teenage years, adults get facial blemishes as well that require intervention. When your acne fails to clear up on its own or you have problems maintaining clear skin for long periods of time, then you need to see a cosmetic dermatologist. Here are signs you need to see a skin care specialist about your pimple problems.

You have acne covering large parts of your body

Acne doesn't just target the face, you can get pimples and blemishes on your neck, back, shoulders, and even your rear end as well. Some acne, known as cystic acne, can be painful and get infected easily and leave scarring behind when the acne finally fades. If you have acne covering a large majority of your body or in sensitive areas, talk to your dermatologist. Your skin care specialist can use special medications, facials, scrubs, prescriptions, and even laser therapy to help you clear your skin.

You aren't sure what type of acne you have

Some acne isn't even acne at all, but hormone-related rashes that resembles acne. Or, you may have a combination of acne issues, such as whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, and other blemish problems. You can't effectively treat your pimples if you don't know the type of skin problems you have, nor can you effectively treat your acne if you don't pinpoint what is causing your issues in the first place.

Your dermatologist has access to many tools to treat your acne in a custom fashion. Whether you have basic blemishes that give you concern or harsh acne that is painful, your dermatologist will closely examine your skin and take a biopsy of your skin if needed to see what treatments will work best. In some cases, trying different medications over a period of time is needed to see what works best for you.

You have severe acne scarring or pitting

Acne scars are caused when pimples are picked at or if they spread and get infected and leave damaged skin tissue behind. Pitting and scarring can both cause issues with your cheeks, forehead, chin, and other areas of the face.

Your dermatologist will help remove your scarring and pitting by doing chemical peels, laser therapy, and other treatments to make your skin smooth and glowing. Set up a consultation with a dermatologist today to see what can be done for your skin.
